Monday, March 9, 2009

Advantages- Reduced Downtime

Reduced Downtime

If you manage to run aground that uncharted reef or shallow water two feet below the surface at 30 knots the ips drive will break off from the hull and reduce damage . An ordinary inboard setup will cause extensive damage and may even rip the whole drive out of your hull and cause a lot of damage and you may even sink . The Ips drive is much easier to repair compared to the cost of replacing a conventional inclined propeller, shaft, struts and rudders, and likely having to do fiberglass repair work in way of the strut pads and rudders, you’ll most certainly be back up and running for less money and a lot faster with Volvo Penta IPS.

Advantages- Engine Noise levels

Engine Noise

Putting the engines in the rear of the boat also makes the boat much quieter overall where people are likely to be situated at cruise speeds. Volvo conducted an experament on a conventional 450 HP motor with the engines running directly underfoot at the helm at 30 knots, the noise levels recorded were 88 dBA. Volvo then used the same boat, which had not been acoustically engineered for Volvo Penta IPS using the IPS system and the dBA levels at the helm at 30 knots were still only 82 dBA.

In addition to low radiated machinery noise levels, exhaust noise and fumes were also minimized through the Volvo Penta IPS underwater exhaust system. Directing engine exhaust fumes into the propeller wash means the “station wagon effect” is a thing of the past. Cooling water intake is also integral to the Volvo Penta IPS which further reduces the number of holes in the hull and associated appendage drag.

Advantages- A space saving design

Space Saving Design:

The boat in the left picture has a traditional inboard setup and the picture on the right is the exact same boat but with the Volvo Penta IPS , The big difference is that the compact, Volvo Penta diesel engines were mounted snugly under the cockpit, with the Inboard Performance System directly aft of the engines. The bottom line is that, due to its compact dimensions and reduced weight, Volvo Penta IPS opens up design and layout possibilities for boat manufacturers that didn’t exist before.